10 Best Things About The Summer-Part Two

Crazy Cake  #6 CRAZY CAKE

Sojo has a lot of allergies, so finding something yummy and sweet, requires some searching for something with no eggs, no dairy and no peanuts.  I remembered a cake from my childhood that my mother made, called Crazy Cake.  It was also called “depression cake” because it came about out of necessity then because rich foods like dairy and eggs were unavailable. Or maybe it was called “depression cake” because you put the dry ingredients in the pan and then make 3 depressions to pour the liquids into.   It is so simple and fun to make, right in the pan it is baked in.  http://allrecipes.com/recipe/crazy-cake/   Sojo likes it plain without frosting.  I like a bit of frosting.

That’s it for now.  More Best Things later.  I have written this so many times and then lose it…I am going to try it with just one picture this time….



What a Way to Prepare For Your 40th Birthday

  I am late with the Birthday Proclamation, but good golly molly, it has been a busy week.  Company coming from across the country…not counting the Thailand group from across the globe.  Talk about an event that shadows a 40th birthday.  What a beautiful day.

Two days after his marriage, our second born…our first born son, turned the big four “o”.  Like I said, I don’t think the number 40 has hit him, since getting married seems to have been the big event of the month.  He has always had to share his day with his father on Father’s Day…especially since he was actually born on Father’s Day.  Now, he will have an anniversary to celebrate, as well.  Hopefully, soon…the day will come when he will have his birthday, his anniversary and Father’s Day that he will celebrate for himself as well as with his own father.  What a busy week that will be.  One filled with such special and good things in life.  Life and Love.

And so, it is with great joy that I send out a big Congrats to the new groom and his bride.  As well…as…proclaiming that on the 20th day of June in the year 1971, a son was born.  We give thanks for all that he has been to us and all that he continues to be and will always be…a man of surprises…a man who does things in his own time (blooms where he is planted when he is ready to bloom)…a man of strength and conviction…a man of gentleness and patience…a man who gives to others and loves others unconditionally.   We give thanks for all he has taught us over the years.  We give thanks for the way he loves his family…especially us, his siblings and now his bride, Katherine.  We give thanks for the love he has for his animals and how he welcomes all.  From his one-eyed Mika to the tiny fluffy haired Matthew (that’s the dog, not the brother).  We all know we are loved unconditionally…

Blessings to you dear son as you begin your 41st year with your wife.  May you have another 60 years on this earth and may those yearas be together surrounded by love.

Happy Birthday…Happy New Life:)

Well, I am late again in getting to my “hear ye…hear ye”.  However, it has been an exceptionally busy week with many things to celebrate.

This young man who turned 40 yesterday has had a very busy week as well.  You see…he got married two days before his 4oth.  So, we have had a week of celebrating his life and the new love of his life.

So…here we go again…HEAR YE…HEAR YE…let it be known that on the 2oth day of June in the year of 1971, on Father’s Day, no less…a son was born…the second born to his parents.  It was a hot June day, not at all unlike the hot days of any June. 

We offer thanks to our God for this life given to the world that evening as the sun went down on Father’s Day…close to the summer soltice.  A Gemini was born.  Sean brought many things to our lives and he has taught us so much about life.  It has been a journey, an inspiration, a challenge at times, an education.  Most of all, it has been about life and love. 

We give thanks for his love of life…his spirit…his faith…his understanding…his acceptance of all.  His love for his parents and family in general.  His love and devotion to his siblings.  His love of his dogs.  Most of all…his new love…his wife, Katherine.  His genuine spirit of gentleness embraces all who know and love him.  We give thanks for his ability to relate to and teach children with disabilities…great and small.  His patience is admirable,  beyond measure. 

We are proud to call him our son and to welcome his new wife to our family.  Now he has one more event to celebrate on his birthday weekend…Happy Birthday…Happy Life Sean Katherine. 

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I Change But I Don’t Like Changes

I got this message saying that my old blog site of MSN Messenger was now going to be WordPress.  Not happy.  Now I have to go through all the settings and get new passwords and all that jazz and I simply liked my old one.  I had tried Blogspot like most people use and found it not at all user friendly and I find this new one not user friendly either.  I want my old one back.  We are still struggling with setting up a new DVD player that is connected to our wireless.  I want to be tech savvy, but enough is enough.  Make it easy for us from the older generation guys.  I want to document my life as a grandmother, aka, Popo and this isn’t making that easy on me.

I just did a preview and my picture for the setting is all over the place and the background picture makes the text impossible to read. 

So, let me know what you think and give me any hints you can.

Tools ‹ Counting Our Blessings In Tucson — WordPress

Tools ‹ Counting Our Blessings In Tucson — WordPress.